Life Insurance with Type 2 Diabetes

Life Insurance With Type 2 Diabetes

Life Insurance with Type 2 Diabetes: If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you may be worried about your ability to get life insurance. When it comes to life insurance with preexisting conditions, not all companies look at you the same.

This is a valid concern, because it can be difficult to get affordable rates, much less approved in some cases.

Life Insurance with Type 2 Diabetes

Understanding how to get life insurance with Type 2 Diabetes becomes much easier the more you know about the application process. Finding out what insurance companies are looking at when it comes to type 2 diabetes is extremely important. We work with over 40 different insurance providers, and we are more than familiar with what it takes to get Life Insurance with Type 2 Diabetes.

You can start comparing quotes at any time using our online quote form, but if you are interested in learning more about getting coverage with type 2 diabetes, read on!

Type 2 Diabetes and What Insurance Companies Are Looking At

As with almost all preexisting health conditions, you will be required to supply answers to various questions about your diabetes. This is not just to help determine your eligibility, but also so we can match you up with what we believe are the best life insurance companies for your situation. You should be prepared to address the following questions:

  • When were you diagnosed, and how old are you?

  • What kind of treatment have you had?

  • Are you on medication, and if so, what kind?

  • What are your latest blood sugar readings (including A1C)?

  • Have you had any complications? If so, please describe them (cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy are examples).

  • What is your height?

  • What is your weight?

  • What is your current blood pressure?

Be sure to be as accurate and thorough as possible when responding to these questions. Withholding information can result in your application being delayed, being offered lower rates, or even a denial.

Life Insurance Medical Exam

Most life insurance companies require that you get a medical exam in addition to submitting information about your diabetes and general medical history. So, we will schedule this exam for you. All this consists of is a paramedic going to your office or home (whichever is more convenient) to perform a medical exam and take blood and urine samples.

Many companies also require an attending physician statement or “APS” from your regular doctor, and we can help you with this as well. Typically, you can expect to hear from an insurance company (regarding their decision about your application) within three to five weeks after all of this is submitted.

Now, it is possible to get a policy without a medical exam, even with type 2 diabetes. We do work with some life insurance providers that offer no medical exam life insurance, and we are more than happy to compare rates and help you decide if this is the better option for you.

Life Insurance Rates for Type 2 Diabetes

Unfortunately, it is all but impossible to get Preferred rates when you have type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a high risk life insurance issue with many companies.

Instead, you can expect to be offered Substandard rates, between Table 2 and Table 4. For those who are unfamiliar with the “table” system, a Table 2 substandard rating takes your regular or “Standard” rate and increases it by 25 percent.

The higher the number, the greater the increase in rates.

Sample Rates

For an idea of what rates with type 2 diabetes are like, let’s imagine that Fred is a 50-year-old man with this illness who is applying for a $250,000 policy for a 20-year term. Fred would end up paying between $100 and $135 a month, though of course the actual price will depends on other factors like his height, weight, and any additional health conditions he may have.

Your exact rates will also depend on your current situation and health history.

Bottom Line

Get started with a free instant quote and learn more about life insurance with type 2 diabetes. Start comparing quotes now and we are always happy to answer all of your questions.

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Picture of Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn

Michael is a licensed life insurance agent, expert & owner of Life Insurance Blog. LIB has helped thousands of shoppers understand life insurance and secure affordable coverage.

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