ANICO Term Life Insurance Without a Medical Exam

ANICO Term Life Insurance Without a Medical Exam

ANICO Term Life Insurance Without a Medical Exam – While medical exams are standard requirements for most life insurance policies, it is possible to get coverage without them.

American National Life Insurance Company

Financial Strength
Review Summary

The American National Life Insurance Company has over 11 million policyholders to date and would be an excellent addition to your insurance portfolio. Looking at testimonials, American National has an excellent reputation by providing excellent service.


American National Life Insurance Company, or “ANICO”, is one company that offers no medical exam life insurance options. If you’re interested, keep reading to learn more about how this works. Keep in mind that you can start comparing quotes at any time using our online life insurance quote form.

ANICO Insurance Background

It always helps to know a little about a life insurance provider’s background before you even consider taking a policy with them.

ANICO was founded in 1905 and is based in Galveston, Texas. It currently has more than 8 million active life insurance policies and holds an A rating with both A.M. Best and Standard and Poor’s.

American National Financial Strength

Financial Strength Ratings

How to choose? If you’re comparing companies & looking to choose from two carriers, one rated A+ and one rated A++, either one is likely to be there when you need it. However, if you’re picking carriers that are rated B+ and A+, financial strength could factor in your buying decision. Try to avoid companies that 1 or more financial agencies rate as potentially vulnerable.

ANICO Term Life Insurance Without a Medical Exam

If you live in the United States and have tried to get life insurance without a medical exam before, you may already be well aware that most companies in your state simply do not offer such a thing.

Fortunately, ANICO actually offers up to $250,000 of no medical exam life insurance coverage in your state. It is also worth mentioning that Transamerica also offers no medical exam life insurance in New York, up to $100,000.

We also work with Transamerica, so be sure to ask about it if you are interested.

Perhaps traditional term insurance would be a better option for you if the non medical option isn’t what you’re looking for. Check out our review of North American Life Insurance and see how it compares.

Rates for ANICO no exam policies

Because life insurance policies are tailored to suit the individual and are based on a wide variety of factors like age, health condition, gender, weight, height, personal activities, etc., they vary greatly when it comes to pricing.

However, to give you a basic idea of what to expect, here are two examples of what ANICO’s rates are like:

30 Year Old Life Insurance Rates

Let’s say Katy is a 30-year-old woman who is interested in a $250,000 policy. This is what ANICO offers her:

  • For 10-year term— $18.58 per month
  • For 20-year term— $24.62 per month
  • For 30-year term— $34.99 per month

Now let’s say Bill is a 30-year-old man who is also interested in a $250,000 policy. ANICO will offer him similar rates if his health condition and other factors are aligned with Katy’s, but as a man, his rates will still be slightly higher.

  • For 10-year term— $20.52 per month
  • For 20-year term— $28.94 per month
  • For 30-year term— $42.34 per month

40 Year Old Life Insurance Rates

Now, if Katy and Bill were 40 years old, their rates would look more like this:


  • For 10-year term— $25.06 per month
  • For 20-year term— $35.64 per month
  • For 30-year term— $50.33 per month


  • For 10-year term— $27.86 per month
  • For 20-year term— $40.61 per month
  • For 30-year term— $64.58 per month

50 Year Old Life Insurance Rates

If Katy and Bill were 50 years old and applying for the same life insurance amount, their rates would be like this:


  • For 10-year term— $45.79 per month
  • For 20-year term— $66.96 per month
  • For 30-year term— $115.34 per month


  • For 10-year term— $55.94 per month
  • For 20-year term— $88.78 per month
  • For 30-year term— $159.84 per month

As you can see, it often pays to apply for life insurance coverage when you’re younger.

Find out if ANICO has the best No-Exam Rates

Will John Hancock or some other company like American National, Lincoln National, or Banner Life get you the best deal? If you want to make sure you’re getting the best life insurance policy available, here’s what you need to do…

Qualifying for No Medical Exam Life Insurance

If you’re under age 65, ANICO actually offers “underwriting express” for term life insuranc

This means that applications do not require a medical exam and can be approved in as little as 5-10 days.

For this, ANICO offers applicants Standard Tobacco, Standard Non-Tobacco, and Substandard rates, with most individuals qualifying for Standard rates.

Those with preexisting health conditions typically qualify for Substandard rates.

So, for many people the no medical exam option is a convenient choice.

However, if you are in excellent health, you may want to look into options that do require a medical exam so you can qualify for Preferred rates.

Bottom Line

If you would like to start discussing your no medical exam life insurance options, get started with an instant quote. We’ll offer you customized quotes and tell you more about what kind of life insurance is available to you. We look forward to working with you and ensuring that you get the best coverage possible.

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Picture of Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn

Michael is a licensed life insurance agent, expert & owner of Life Insurance Blog. LIB has helped thousands of shoppers understand life insurance and secure affordable coverage.

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