Getting Life Insurance after Cardiac Bypass

Getting Life Insurance after Cardiac Bypass

Is getting life insurance after cardiac bypass possible? If you’re looking at life insurance from just one company, you are limiting your choices of reasonable priced life insurance coverage. However, with an agency that has access to top rated life insurance companies and carriers that offer no medical exams, you can get an array of life insurance policies to choose from.

And, if you suffer with any kind of health problem and have undergone surgery for a health condition, such as cardiac bypass, it’s imperative you keep your options open… far and wide.

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Getting Life Insurance after Cardiac Bypass

It is completely possible to secure life insurance after cardiac bypass surgery. However, some insurance companies do refuse to underwrite these polices; while others will consider your present health before making a decision.

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When applying for a life insurance coverage policy, your whole medical history will face scrutiny. All procedures – big and small – will be looked at with a fine tooth comb. These companies want to know everything that happened before they underwrite a policy.

Can I Qualify For Life Insurance After Bypass Surgery?

It’s important to note that each post-operation circumstance is not the same, but you can determine whether or not you’ll get high-risk life insurance coverage after you’ve had the procedure. 

There are three things a life insurance company is going to want to know before they underwrite your policy:

  • Why did you have the surgery?
  • What were the amount of blocks?
  • How is your current state of health?

Some people will choose to undergo the surgery to better their heart’s condition. People who elect the surgery tend to have a better chance of getting life insurance than those who needed an emergency cardiac bypass surgery.

It’s not uncommon for people to have multiple bypasses – sometimes in the same surgery even. Whatever the case may be, the least amount of bypass procedures that’s performed, the better the chance for life insurance coverage.

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What happens when applying for Life Insurance?

You should always know what to expect before you apply for a life insurance policy. If you’ve ever had a major medical procedure done or have had a major medical problem, your application is going to be further scrutinized by the company. You may even be asked to get a physical check-up before a policy is approved.

An agent may ask you a large array of questions that focus on your surgery and lifestyle. Here are some questions you could be asked by a life insurance agent after you’ve had cardiac bypass surgery?

Top Questions

  • What was the date of the surgery?
  • Did you have a heart attack? Have you ever had a heart attack? If so, how many did you have and when did they occur?
  • What were the number of blockages?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with heart disease? What’s the date of that diagnosis if you were?
  • What medications are you currently taking?
  • Have you taken medication to decrease the build-up of plague in the heart?
  • When did you last have chest pains?
  • What is your diet like?
  • Do you exercise? What types of exercises do you do?
  • Are you a smoker?
  • Are you a drinker?
  • Is your family life or job stressful?
  • Are you considered overweight?
  • Are you suffering from other heart problems that could compromise your heart’s health?
  • Are you taking medications that doesn’t relate to your heart but could affect the heart’s health?

These are just some of the many questions that a life insurance company or agent will ask you to get a feel for your current health state. 

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If you come across as in good health, and are living a healthy life – exercise, good diet, no drinking or smoking and normal weight, you could be eligible for a life insurance policy – even a standard policy.

If you’re not seen in this way, you could be disqualified for coverage. This is when you need to consider other types of coverage such as burial life insurance or final expense life insurance.

Every Life Insurance Company & Cardiac Patient Is Different

So which life insurance company will give you the best chance at securing a policy? Keep in mind that every cardiac patient and life insurance company is different. Therefore, decisions are based on individual circumstances… not a collective one. 

Therefore, a company is going to look at the background of each person before giving their final recommendation on coverage. Will they or won’t they underwrite a policy for you?

If you’ve had heart surgery but love to snorkel, never smoked or drank, the life insurance company that’s best for you may be different for a person who loves to occasionally drink but still exercises on a regular basis.

On top of that, your expectations and budget will also factor into the kind of plan you can afford and what company is right for you.


Our expertise is in finding the companies that offer the best chance at offering you a life insurance policy. We are experts in high risk life insurance and have access to over 60 life insurance companies.  We don’t work for these companies which allows us to provide unbiased research and opinions when looking for the best company for your situation. Once we communicate with you and find out your individual health situation, we use our resources and knowledge to recommend companies based on your needs.

Please contact us for a free consultation. Please leave comments or questions below.

Thanks for reading our post, Getting Life Insurance after Cardiac Bypass.

Cardiac Bypass Surgery: What Is It?

When a person’s arteries in the heart are clogged, it causes a disruption in the blood flow. And, the only surefire way to correct the problem is to undergo a procedure called cardiac bypass surgery (also called coronary artery bypass graft). The idea is to provide a new way for blood to flow through the body so there’s no clog for it to deal with.

It’s done by rerouting the arteries in the heart or using a leg vein to produce a whole new passageway.

Whenever you have surgery on any major organ like the heart, it causes life insurance companies to be a bit concerned. They need to determine how high your chances are of dying early. Do you have compromised organs that could hinder your ability to live a healthy, long life? Keep in mind that people who’ve had heart bypass surgery do live a healthy, long life afterwards.

And, it’s the reason life insurance companies will still underwrite life insurance policies for people who have had the procedure done.

Picture of Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn

Michael is a licensed life insurance agent, expert & owner of Life Insurance Blog. LIB has helped thousands of shoppers understand life insurance and secure affordable coverage.

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