Most Affordable Life Insurance Rates for 32 Year Olds

Most Affordable Life Insurance Rates for 32 Year Olds

Getting the most affordable life insurance rates for 32 year olds begins with knowing who are the best life insurance companies in the USA. You’ll also want to know your options – like skipping the medical exam. For example, do you want a no exam life insurance policy or one that requires the exam?

A Life Insurance Blog life insurance agent can help make this easy and shop your case to all of the top life insurance companies. So make sure your agent is an independent life insurance agent if you want to save the most money or you’ll be stuck with limited options.

Did You Know? What do Bruce Lee, Brittany Murphy, John Bonham, & Keith Moon all have in common? They all passed away at the age of 32.

Life Insurance Rates for 32 Year Olds

Now it’s time to look at rates. Here are some sample term life rates that we researched for you. Our examples have a male and female shopping for a 20 year term life policy with a $400,000 death benefit. 

These example rates are based on a Preferred Plus health class rating and Non Tobacco user. Your rate will be higher if you qualify for another health class.

Quotes for Men

A 32 year old man with excellent health looking for a $400,000 20 year fixed term life insurance policy.
  • He can expect to pay just over $18 a month with American General Life and Banner Life.
  • What if he wanted to apply for a $400,000 Non Medical 20 year fixed term? He would pay just over $19 a month with SBLI.
  • Another option he could choose would be to select a Guaranteed Universal Life policy to a specific age. For example, he could apply for a $400,000 GUL to Age 90 for a little over $145 per month.

Quotes for Women

For women, it is even less for all of these life insurance examples. A 32 year old woman with excellent health looking for a $400,000 20 year fixed term life insurance policy.
  • She can expect to pay just over $16 a month with Banner Life and AIG.
  • For a $400,000 Non Medical life insurance policy at a 20 year fixed term, she would pay just over $17 a month with SBLI.
  • For the Guaranteed Universal Life policy to age 90 – she could apply for a $400,000 GUL for a little over $115 per month.

Remember that these life insurance choices are much more affordable at age 32. Just know that your peace of mind is possible and affordable while you are relatively young.

How to get the Most Affordable Life Insurance Rates

This article will help you to understand how to secure the most affordable life insurance rates for 32 year olds.

We’ll explain what life insurance companies look for before they offer you a policy and show you how to qualify for the best rates.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Life Insurance For 32 Year Olds

Like every age group, you need to have an understanding of how this all works.

Term life insurance rates continue to lower in cost due to life insurance company competition, life expectancies and medical advancements.

The competition from company to company creates a wonderful opportunity for you to secure a great low rate.

Let’s now look at what you should focus on first.  

The first thing to be aware of when shopping for the lowest priced life insurance are the companies. When you’re in your 30s, you’ll want to know which life insurance companies have the best rates for your age.

The companies that are the most competitive when you’re 32 may not be the same in 10 or 20 years. One of the major advantages to purchasing a policy now is the overall rates are low for your age group.

Term life insurance rates

Term life insurance rates for 30 year olds are relatively stable. They don’t have huge increases from year to year. These life insurance rate increases start to emerge when you’re in your 40s and 50s. So you will want to get a term life insurance policy now while you’re still young.

Quick Tip: Life insurance rates by age can vary by quite a large margin depending on the term life insurance company that you choose even though you’re still in your 30s.

When you’re 32 and in great health, you’re going to have several great companies to choose from. If you have a preexisting health condition it can definitely affect what your life insurance premium will be.

Your Health is Key

Life insurance companies analyze your health before offering a policy.

So if your health isn’t perfect, it is even more important to use a life insurance agent that can find the best companies that you will qualify for.

Most life insurance shoppers are not aware that qualifying for term life insurance is different from company to company.

Each term life insurance company will use their own specific underwriting guidelines to determine your rate class.

The good news is that your life insurance agent should be finding the best life insurance company that you qualify for.

Your agent can make a huge difference in what you’ll pay by analyzing all of the life insurance company underwriting guides.

Here’s a common example.

When you’re in excellent health your life insurance agent will present to you the top rates from all the term life companies. But let’s say you are a bit overweight.

Now your agent will only look for the companies that offer the best term life rates for your exact weight. What if you have some health issues or use tobacco? Your life insurance agent will shop these specific niches based on your unique situation.

These niches ultimately give you the best chance for the lowest available rates.

Helpful Links:

*Life Insurance Types

Most Affordable Life Insurance for 32 Year Olds

As stated before, 32 year olds should have many affordable life insurance options. Your term life insurance rates should be quite affordable.

Remember that you are more than likely healthy in your 30s. The majority of life insurance companies offer great rates for 20 and 30 year term life insurance policies.

The term life insurance companies are going to be after your business because of your relative young age. Because they are competing for your business, it results in a lower costs for life insurance premiums.

The life insurance carriers look at 32 year olds as a very low risk. This low risk results into low term life rates. The life insurance carriers love low risk so they reduce rates as much as possible.

You have many options because of this competition.

If you want a term life insurance policy without a medical exam or with a medical exam – you have those available to you. No exam life insurance policies have become more competitive recently. No exam life insurance is a wonderful choice if you want to get coverage fast and without the inconvenience of a life insurance medical exam.

Qualifying for Life Insurance at Age 32

You really shouldn’t have difficulty qualifying for term life insurance at age 32. Usually you are significantly overweight or have significant health risks, you should not have a problem qualifying.

What if you have a preexisting condition, are overweight or not sure about your health? The great news is that you still have options available to you. It will depend on your unique situation, but your agent will help you through this.

Understand that there are life insurance policies available to you, but they might be more expensive depending on your health risk.

Here are some examples of some common health issues:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Elevated Cholesterol
  • Diabetes

These common health conditions can cause your term life rate to be higher.  This is because the life insurance companies will see your situation as riskier than if you didn’t have them. This is a reminder that it’s important to apply for term life insurance now even if you have some health conditions.

Your life insurance rate will increase as you age. 

Your rates also increase due to your health class rating. Life insurance coverage gets more expensive as your health declines. You could even be denied a term life insurance policy in the future if your condition is severe enough.

Take advantage of your age and health status now while rates are relatively low.

Remember, you’re not getting younger!

What are some of the most affordable term life insurance companies for a 32 year old?

Making sure you apply with the best life insurance company is so important. At Life Insurance Blog, we help you find the right company based on your current and past health, your history, and your weight and height.

Once your desired amount of coverage is determined and the length of your term – we’ll research all of your options for you.

We simply help you find out which term life insurance company will offer you the best rates based on all of these factors.

Even though the life insurance market changes from year to year – the following term life insurance companies usually have the best rates and best term life insurance coverage for 32 year olds.

Banner Life

Compare Life Insurance Rates Today and Get a Quote

Remember to always shop around when buying term life insurance.

Your situation doesn’t matter, because your agent is there to help you no whether you’re healthy or have some issues.

 Term life insurance rates can vary up to 74% depending on the life insurance company!

Let us help you.

Work with us at Life Insurance Blog, because we’ll research and shop your case from dozens of the top term life insurance companies available.

You can get started now by comparing multiple term life insurance quotes on our site using our free quoter.

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Picture of Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn

Michael is a licensed life insurance agent, expert & owner of Life Insurance Blog. LIB has helped thousands of shoppers understand life insurance and secure affordable coverage.

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