Chewing Tobacco Life Insurance Blood Test: What you need to know

chewing tobacco life insurance blood test

Tobacco products are not created equal and the same goes for qualifying for life insurance. Chewing tobacco presents some health risks, but they aren’t significant in the eyes of some life insurance companies. The best life insurance companies know this and can give you a much better deal compared to the competition. Most insurance providers charge users of chew tobacco the same kinds of rates that they charge cigarette smokers. However, some of the top carriers offer non-tobacco rates!

life insurance for chewing tobacco users

In this article we’ll walk you through how to get the best life insurance policy when using chewing tobacco. We can help you get lower life insurance rates. After all, why should someone using smokeless tobacco be charged pricey smoker’s insurance rates?

chewing tobacco life insurance blood test

For the majority of situations, when you put in an application for life insurance, you’ll have to participate in a paramedical test before you’re approved for coverage. Most shoppers aren’t familiar with this and are worried about how to pass life the insurance medical exam. The paramedical exam is like your annual physical, but instead of your doctor – a technician gathers up some basic health readings which includes a urine and blood test.

Life Insurance Blood Test

Insurers use your urine and blood samples to check for “risky behaviors such as tobacco and drug use.

A nicotine test is part of this exam. If you use chewing tobacco it can throw up a red flag for life insurance underwriters. The end result? Your rates can skyrocket!

best life insurance company for chewing tobacco?

If you use chew tobacco and want to pay as little as possible for  life insurance, you’ve come to the right place.

We are connected with over 60 of the largest term life insurance companies, and we will help you get the best rates available to you. Although most insurance carriers charge users of chew tobacco the same rates as cigarette smoker, there is a small selection of companies who will instead offer smokeless tobacco (chew) users policies with non-tobacco rates.

Here are some of the best companies for chewing tobacco:

We know which companies will rate you up, and we know what they are looking for. One way to find a favorable chewing tobacco life insurance company is by following our example tip below. It shows you how Prudential provides non tobacco life insurance rates even if you use chewing tobacco.

Which Company will give you the best Chewing Tobacco rate?

Will Prudential or some other company like Assurity, Symetra, or John Hancock get you the best deal? If you use chewing tobacco and want to make sure you’re getting the best life insurance policy available, here’s what you need to do…

By working with an independent insurance agent like Life Insurance Blog you will be better equipped for the application process, and you will be more likely to get the kind of insurance coverage you want. In other words, don’t pay double from a company who will make you pay tobacco rates!

Pro Tip: Use our free quoter on this page and Select “Standard Plus”; Check “No” for Tobacco; Look for Prudential.

Difference Between Smoker And Non-Smoker Life Insurance Rates

The difference in cost between smoker and non-smoker life insurance rates is pretty significant. For an idea of what this means, take a look at this example:

chewing tobacco life insurance rates

Let’s say Kevin is a 45-year-old man who chews tobacco regularly. He applies for a 20-year term life policy worth $500,000 in coverage. If he applies with the wrong company, he’ll end up paying Tobacco rates!

Tobacco Rate

$ 0

Non-Tobacco Rate

$ 0

With an insurance provider who is understanding and willing to charge non-smoker rates, he will only end up paying around $101 a month.

However, if Kevin goes to one of the many life insurance providers who don’t consider dip and chewing tobacco different from cigarettes, he will likely be offered the same coverage at a whopping $295 per month!

Obviously, there is a big difference between the two types of rates, and this difference is even more apparent when you crunch the numbers further. With smoker’s rates, Kevin would end up paying $2,328 more per year.

life insurance tip

Over the course of the 20-year policy term, this will add up to $46,560! With non-smoker’s rates, he saves this much money. You too can save significantly, but only if you work with the right insurance agent.

life insurance application tips

When filling out an application, you may be thinking, “Maybe I’ll fib and say I never used tobacco.”  Trying to reduce your rate in this way can lead to a future disaster.

Don’t do it and here’s why:

Getting approved for life insurance isn’t the goal. The goal of life insurance is to pay out a death benefit when you die. If you you lie on your application and you die of cancer, the life insurance company can investigate why. If they find out that you’ve used tobacco in the past, this can become an issue when it comes time to pay the benefit. 

life insurance help

If you’re a chewing tobacco user and want to apply for life insurance, your best strategy is to be completely honest. You need to disclose you are a tobacco user and work with an independent agent like Life Insurance Blog.  We’ll help you find the best policy at the right price for your health and lifestyle.

Life Insurance Blog

Chewing tobacco presents some health risks. It also presents some challenges with getting the best life insurance deal available. We have access to over 60 different insurance carriers, and we know which ones are willing to charge non-smoker rates for users of chew tobacco. We will work with you to find the best coverage and rates available to you.

Please don’t hesitate to give us a call today or simply get a quote right on this page.

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Picture of Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn

Michael is a licensed life insurance agent, expert & owner of Life Insurance Blog. LIB has helped thousands of shoppers understand life insurance and secure affordable coverage.

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