Sagicor Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Reviews
Sagicor is one of the top life insurance companies in the market today. Are they the right life insurance company for you? We hope to answer that question by putting together our Sagicor Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Reviews so you can make an informed choice.
Sagicor’s GUL product is called the Sage No Lapse Universal Life Insurance. This is just one of many GUL reviews found on our site. We have a huge series of reviews for the top companies that sell guaranteed universal life insurance. To learn more about GUL products (also known as Term to 100 or Lifetime Term) please read our overview of GUL.
What company is the best?
Are you just looking for the best Guaranteed Universal Life insurance companies? We reviewed the top rated GUL companies right here.
Sagicor Life Insurance Company
Review Summary
The Sagicor Life Insurance Company has good financial ratings and receives a pretty low number of consumer complaints. Sagicor actually receives good reviews from shoppers who praise Sagicor's easy and quick underwriting and application.

About Sagicor
Sagicor’s guaranteed universal life insurance plan is very similar to the more common term life plans on the market. The biggest difference is that it provides you lifetime coverage to age 120.
Your life insurance premiums are level. This means that they’re the same premium over the life of your policy. You may buy their policy with no medical exam as long as the face amount is $400,000 or less.
Sagicor Financial Strength
- AM Best: A-
- Moody's: N/A
- Standard & Poor's: BB-
- Fitch: N/A
Financial Strength Ratings
How to choose? If you’re comparing companies & looking to choose from two carriers, one rated A+ and one rated A++, either one is likely to be there when you need it. However, if you’re picking carriers that are rated B+ and A+, financial strength could factor in your buying decision. Try to avoid companies that 1 or more financial agencies rate as potentially vulnerable.
Sagicor GUL Products
Sagicor offers life insurance shoppers lifetime coverage with their guaranteed universal life insurance product called: Sage No Lapse Universal Life Insurance.
Sage No Lapse Universal Life Insurance
Issue Ages
Ages 15 days - 85 years old
Minimum Benefit Amount
Coverage Lengths
Ages 121
Maximum Benefit Amount
Over $10,000,000
>>Read more about getting coverage to specific ages like:
Guaranteed Universal Life (GUL) is a type of universal life insurance- but doesn’t have the market risks of UL.
Your premiums remain the same with GUL just like term life. With a GUL, you get coverage with a “no-lapse” guarantee. This means that if you pay your insurance premiums, you’ll always be covered. GUL is not made for cash value and it resembles and functions similarly to term life insurance. Term life insurance only covers you for a set number of years. GUL covers you to a specific age such as: Age 90, 95, 100, 110, or 121.
Sample Rates
Now let’s look at how much the Sage No Lapse Universal Life Insurance can cost. Below are some sample annual rates for a healthy non smoking 46 year old man.
Death Benefit | To Age 120 |
$100,000 (No Exam) | $924.19 |
$400,000 (No Exam) | $3463 |
$500,000 (Exam) | $4053 |
$750,000 (Exam) | $6080 |
$1,000,000 (Exam) | $7934 |
Does Sagicor have the best rates?
Will Sagicor Life or some other company like Protective, American National, or Banner Life get you the best deal? If you want to make sure you’re getting the best life insurance policy available, here’s what you need to do…
Health Class Ratings
Life insurance classifications are important because they affect your premium. The better your health class rating, the lower your premium will be with. All companies (including Sagicor) classify you differently.
These are the health classes that are offered with Sagicor:
- Preferred
- Standard Plus
- Standard
- Non Tobacco & Tobacco
- Strengths of Sagicor
- Low Face Amounts: You can secure coverage for as low as $25,000. There are very few life insurance companies that provide a GUL with coverage amounts for less than $50,000.
- No Exam: Sagicor provides a simplified issue underwriting process for coverage amounts less than $400,000. This means no lengthy or annoying Medical Exam!
- Most Competitive Rates: Sagicor often offers the lowest rates when the coverage amount is around $100,000 or less.
- Simple application: Sagicor has a fully automated electronic application process with e-signatures. This speeds up the entire process so you can get your policy quicker.
- Weaknesses of Sagicor?
- One of many: Sagicor is just one of many life insurance companies in the market. They don’t offer every option and they aren’t always priced the best. Depending on your health and age- another carrier may give you a better deal.
- Financial strength: Sagicor’s financial ratings are not as strong when compared to many of the other top companies available.
- Underwriting classes: Sagicor has fewer health classes available to shoppers- Preferred and Standard. Most life insurance companies offer several more health classes. This can make a huge difference in what you ultimately pay for your policy.
- Not competitive with higher coverage amounts. Sagicor offers high coverage amounts, but they aren’t typically the lowest price. They do best for face amounts less than $200,000.
- Medical Exam: If you want a policy over $400,000, Sagicor is still available to you with a medical exam.
Underwriting Information
Not all life insurance companies will look at you the same. Sagicor and every other company has their own underwriting guidelines. Here are Sagicor’s underwriting strengths and weaknesses:
These conditions typically get a better rating compared to the competition:
- Felonies: Standard is possible, but must be off probation or parole for 12 months.
- Mental Disorders: Standard is possible for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) • Anxiety or panic Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
These conditions may get a better rating with another carrier:
- Foreign Travel
- Pancreatitis: Declined if more than a single attack within a year
Life Insurance Riders
Let’s look at what life insurance riders are available with the Sagicor guaranteed universal life insurance policy.
- Accidental Death Rider
- Waiver of Premium Rider
- Children's Term Life Rider
- Accelerated Death Benefit
Life insurance riders are some additional benefits that can be added to a life insurance policy. Some riders are included for free and some are an additional cost. These riders provide you the ability to increase or limit the insurance coverage of your policy. Not all companies offer every rider.
Learn more: Life Insurance Riders
How to buy the best Guaranteed Universal Life policy?
We cannot stress enough the importance of using an independent life insurance agent to help you choose the right GUL product at the most affordable price possible.
Independent life insurance agents have access to multiple companies. We know which life insurers offer the best rates when it comes to buying guaranteed universal life insurance.
We hope our Sagicor review gives you a good overview of guaranteed universal life insurance. GUL policies are a great solution for many shoppers that can provide protection for your loved ones.
Our Recommendation
Shop around and we’d love to help you. We’re a licensed insurance broker who represents dozens of life insurance companies. We help our customers pick the best life insurance carrier and options that’s right for them. We do not push any companies because we have access to all the top life insurance companies.
We don’t try to put shoppers into a plan that is not suitable for their goals and needs. Our number one concern is our clients and future policyholders.
We offer you free life insurance consultations and work with you to understand your goals and then help you with an appropriate recommendation. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today or visit our Life Insurance Quotes page and see how we can help you!