Primerica Life Insurance Review

Primerica Life Insurance Review

I think you’ll agree with me when I say: Most people shopping for life insurance are worried about choosing the wrong life insurance company. They simply want to get a policy from one of the best life insurance companies. Is Primerica one of the best companies? We put together an honest and helpful review on Primerica Life Insurance to help you decide if they’re a good fit your coverage needs.

Primerica Life Insurance Company

Financial Strength
Editor's Rating:

Primerica is a multi-level marketing organization who offers insurance and other products to consumers.

Needs improvement

Is Primerica a good life insurance company?

Our Primerica life insurance reviews covers some of the basic services and types of life insurance that Primerica Life Insurance offers. It will provide you a general overview of the all the reasons why you should not choose Primerica Life Insurance as your insurer.

You can get an idea of what cheaper insurance rates look like by using our instant online life insurance quotes tool right here, or continue reading for more information on why you should not choose Primerica Life Insurance.

Primerica Life Insurance Review: Buyer Beware

Bottom line? When you go to visit the website of an insurance company, you should be able to obtain a quote on the website.

Most insurance companies offer this feature to their potential customers. Primerica Life Insurance, however, does not.

The company has no quote information whatsoever regarding life insurance on their official websitePrimerica or Prime America as some refer them as – is strong financially so you shouldn’t worry about them going bankrupt. They sell many types of financial products like securities and investments. They also sell life insurance to consumers.

However, life insurance doesn’t seem to be Primerica’s number 1 priority when it comes to their business. Prime America or Primerica makes a significant amount of their business by managing assets.


Strong Financially

A+ Rating from AM Best

Product Variety

Primerica offers a variety of life insurance products


No Online Quotes

There is no convenient way to compare rates with other carriers online.

Life Insurance isn't their PRIORITY

Primerica does a lot of business with managing assets as well as life insurance.

Primerica Life Insurance Quotes

Want Primerica whole life insurance quotes? How about Primerica term life insurance quotes?

You won’t find them or get them on their website.

You won’t be able to run instant quotes on their website and compare them like you can on Life Insurance Blog.

Will Primerica give you the best rate?

Will Primerica or some other company like Minnesota Life, United Home Life, or Equitable Life Ins get you the best deal? If you want to make sure you’re getting the best life insurance policy available, here’s what you need to do…

Why Doesn’t Primerica Fix the Problem?

Look: If you were overcharging your customers, would you make it clear to them before they signed a contract with you? Of course not. Primerica, with overpriced insurance rates, is not up front with customers about pricing.

Cheaper rates can be found with companies such as:

Here are just a few of the carriers that can frequently provide you lower rates for the same amount of coverage.

Limited Number of Options at Primerica Life Insurance

What’s the real story? The agents at Primerica only sell Primerica.

In other words, they are connecting with you solely to try to lure you into purchasing the life insurance they will benefit from; they are not trying to help you find the best rates for your needs.

An independent life insurance agency like ours will allow you to get an…

unbiased understanding of the differing rates for various insurance companies.

This knowledge will enable you to effectively compare and evaluate each company and select the one that can help you best.

Primerica Life Insurance Does Not Cover High-Risk Insurance

That’s not all. The agents at Primerica do not specialize in high-risk life insurance.

High-risk life insurance covers those with pre-existing health issues that require large amounts of coverage. Therefore, if you have multiple sclerosis, asthma, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, etc., you will not receive the coverage that you deserve.

For high-risk life insurance cases, you will need an agent who knows which companies will approve your situation at the best rates.

Using Primerica as your sole life insurance provider puts you at a disadvantage.

What If I Already Have Life Insurance with Primerica? Is There Any Hope?

If you are already working with Primerica as your life insurance provider, don’t despair. We often work with existing Primerica Life Insurance policyholders with no problems.

We are usually able to help those who are currently using Primerica Life Insurance to save money on their term life insurance rates.

If you are in this situation, we are able to help.

To compare quotes for term life insurance, you can use our instant life insurance calculator, or you can call us to start saving money on your insurance.

How can I cancel my Primerica life insurance?

Important: If you’re wanting to replace your Primerica policy; don’t cancel it until you’ve secured coverage with another carrier. Once you’ve replaced your policy and it is in-force, then you can call Primerica directly and cancel. It is no different than any other life insurance company. You can also stop paying your premiums and your policy will lapse.


Primerica Life Insurance Review

Overall online reviews of Primerica aren’t bad. They show a consumer rating range from 2.3 to 4.2 stars from a variety of review websites. Just how long does it take to get life insurance money from Primerica? Online consumer comments have been inconsistent with their ability to pay out in an appropriate time.

Thank you for reading our post, Primerica Life Insurance Review. Please leave a comment or question down below.

Want to learn more? Make sure to read our life insurance settlement options post as well as our Life Insurance Rates by Age to get sample quotes base on your age and policy typ. You can also check out all the shopping and insider tips on buying life insurance.

Picture of Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn

Michael is a licensed life insurance agent, expert & owner of Life Insurance Blog. LIB has helped thousands of shoppers understand life insurance and secure affordable coverage.

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