Police Life Insurance

Police Life Insurance

Many occupations can be considered high risk in the eyes of life insurance companies and their underwriters — but not for police officers. The majority of police officers can buy life insurance without being penalized — just as long as your health and other underwriting factors are ok (more on that later). If want to skip all those details and just want to compare some police life insurance rates, simply click here to get instant quotes. You can also use the quoter on this page.


Police life insurance rates are usually based on health & not occupation


Certain details of your job may reflect an increase to your final rate

Life Insurance For Police Officers

When we help police officers secure coverage, they’re often surprised to find out that the majority of them can get covered without any issues. Police officers have many responsibilities and there’s an obvious risk when on the job. However, police officers can get approved for life insurance at rates that your average citizen can get — just as long as all the other underwriting factors are normal.

Underwriting life insurance law enforcement 

Life insurance underwriters will look at every application to see what risks are involved before rating and approving a policy. Health is typically the biggest risk when it comes to life insurance underwriting. There are job occupations that are considered extremely risky, such as overseas security contractors, commercial fishermen, and loggers to name a few.

Surprisingly enough, police officers aren’t lumped into these “dangerous occupations.” With that said, life insurance companies will want to know what your job duties are as not every police officer has the same responsibilities. 

Factors that could increase a police officer life insurance rates?

It’s great that most police officers wouldn’t be considered high risk. However, there are some situations that may or may not affect what you’ll end up paying for your policy.

Life Insurance Questions for Police Officers

Life insurance underwriters will be wanting to know the following details about your particular job duties as a police officer. The company may ask:

  1. Do you consistently carry a firearm?
  2. Where do you work (in the field or in an office)?
  3. Are there safety measures for your specific duties that you follow?
  4. How many miles do you drive on the job?
  5. Do you work in any dangerous or high crime areas?
  6. Is your more risky i.e. SWAT, Traffic Control, Bomb Unit, Narcotics?

Why Police Officer Life Insurance Is Not Considered Risky

It’s pretty obvious the risks that are involved with being a police officer. Dealing with crime, traffic, and a variety of other risks are definitely present – but life insurance companies look heavily on statistics to help with their approval process.

For instance, in 2017 there were 128 police officers who died in the line of duty. That number was the second lowest number of police officer fatalities in more than 50 years. Compared to over 700,000 police officers in the workforce and you can see why an underwriter wouldn’t penalize the occupation overall.

Best Life Insurance Companies for Police Officers

Here are 3 of the best life insurance companies that we often use to help police officers obtain coverage. Every situation is different and your specific health, lifestyle and job duties will ultimately determine which company will give you the best deal.


Prudential is an excellent and well rounded life insurance company — especially for any high risk life insurance situation. They frequently approve cigar and pipe smokers at non-smoker rates. They are one of the best companies for build (height and weight ratio). Prudential is also one of our number one companies for pilots and diabetics. If you have asthma, Hepatitis C, Atrial Fibrillation or a diagnosis of cancer, Prudential is often a great fit.

Banner Life

Banner Life, which operates and sells life insurance under the Legal & General America brand, is another top rated company to look at. Banner is one of the best companies we use for applicants with a history of depression, anxiety, and other types of mood disorders. Banner Life is frequently one of the first companies we’ll recommend when working with anyone who is diagnosed with PTSD. Similar to Prudential, Banner is very competitive with a variety of Cancer diagnoses.

Phoenix Life

Phoenix Life is a great niche company. For example, it’s pretty difficult to secure life insurance with a diagnosis of Down’s Syndrome. With Phoenix Life, as long as the life insurance applicant is over 20, they are an excellent option. Phoenix is also strong for conditions such as COPD, Crohn’s Disease and Epilepsy. If you’ve had Gastric Bypass Surgery over 6 months ago, Phoenix is a no brainer because most insurance companies will make you wait 2 years. Phoenix Life is a no medical exam life insurance company which is another plus. You won’t need to schedule and take a medical exam. You just complete the application and we submit it for approval.

You Next Step

Are you thinking of moving forward and get the life insurance process started? It’s simple, especially with how we use the latest technologies for applying for life insurance. 

  1. Get Quotes: First thing is to get instant life insurance here.
  2. Contact: We can help with customized quotes based on your specific goals, health and lifestyle.
  3. Complete the Life Insurance Application: Our application is easy. Depending on the company you choose, it can be completed conveniently online or over the phone. Our agents can help complete it for you and send it via email for electronic signature. Easy!
  4. Phone Interview: With some companies, you’ll need to complete a quick phone interview. Some of the application questions you already answered will be asked again. The phone interview may be scheduled anywhere from 1- to 3 days after your application was submitted.
  5. Policy Issue: Your life insurance policy can be approved and issued anywhere from a few days to 6 weeks depending on the company and product you choose.

Just remember that we’re here to make this process simple. We’re here to answer all of your questions and help make sense of the various options available to you. We look forward to helping you.

Picture of Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn

Michael is a licensed life insurance agent, expert & owner of Life Insurance Blog. LIB has helped thousands of shoppers understand life insurance and secure affordable coverage.

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